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What is Cash on Delivery (COD) within India?


  • COD – Cash on delivery / upon delivery available within India only
  • COD charges is extra and collected by the courier person along with Product cost plus shipping charges if any at the time of delivery.
  • COD Charges estimated upto Rs.45/- for the Order value less than Rs.1000 within Tamilnadu.
  • COD Charges estimated in Range of Rs.55/- to Rs.65/- for the Order value less than Rs.1000 Rest of India (Other than Tamilnadu)
  • COD charges will be 2.5% of the Order value more than Rs.1000/- or Rs.55/- which ever is higher
  • Product delivery will not happened unless otherwise Order Value & COD charges not received
  • COD delivery time will be 3-8 Business days within India
  • Customer placed order under COD agreed to receive products paying Order value, shipping charges & COD charges at the time of delivery.
  • Courier company makes upto 2 attempt only for delivery, if First attempt customer not available at their location.